Skandagiri Trek: My Adventure in the Moonlight


skandagiri trek

Skandagiri Trek: My Adventure in the Moonlight


Unveiling the Unknown: Skandagiri Trek


As the silvery moonlight bathed the earth in its gentle glow, I embarked on an unforgettable journey to Skandagiri, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Karnataka, India. This adventure was unlike any other, as I trekked through the darkness, guided only by the moon's radiance.


Join me as I recount my thrilling escapade, where the night turned into day, and every step was a discovery.


The Call of Skandagiri:

  • A Date with Moonlight: The idea of Skandagiri trek Bangalore under the moonlight was born out of a desire for a unique adventure. With the promise of stunning sunrise views and the thrill of hiking in the dark, I eagerly answered the call of this ancient hill.

  • Preparation and Gear: Before setting off on this moonlit escapade, proper preparation was key. Packing essential gear such as headlamps, warm clothing, and sturdy hiking boots was vital for a safe and enjoyable experience.


Also don’t miss Uttari Betta Trek in Bangalore!


The Ascent Begins:

  • Into the Night: Our journey commenced at the base of Skandagiri, where the dark of night enveloped us. Armed with headlamps and a sense of excitement, we ventured into the unknown.

  • Moonlit Trail: The moon cast its enchanting glow on the winding trail ahead, revealing glimpses of the terrain. Each step felt like a dance with the shadows, and the serenity of the night was palpable.

  • Sounds of the Night: The hush of the night was broken only by the rustling of leaves and the occasional call of nocturnal creatures. It was a symphony of nature that echoed through the forest.


The Climb:

  • Steep Ascents: Skandagiri didn't reveal its beauty easily. The trail ascended steeply, testing our endurance. The moonlight illuminated the rocky path, making each boulder and tree root stand out like natural obstacles to conquer.


The Skandagiri trek distance is approximately 8 kilometres round trip, offering a challenging yet rewarding hiking experience.

  • The Midnight Halt: After hours of trekking, we paused to catch our breath. Sitting under a blanket of stars, we gazed up at the moonlit sky, appreciating the beauty of the universe above.

  • Pushing Through: As we continued our ascent, the anticipation of reaching the summit kept us going. The moon's radiant glow acted as our guiding light, and the feeling of adventure was intoxicating.


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Arriving at the Summit:

  • Moonset Magic: Finally, as the moon began its descent, we reached the summit. The timing couldn't have been more perfect, as the horizon started to change colours, heralding the arrival of dawn.

  • Awe-Inspiring Sunrise: The moment the first rays of sunlight kissed the sky, a breathtaking panorama unveiled before us. The moon and sun shared the sky for a brief moment, creating a magical transition from night to day.

  • Breakfast in Paradise: With our spirits soaring high, we relished a well-deserved breakfast while soaking in the awe-inspiring views. The sprawling landscape below was bathed in a soft, golden hue, a sight that etched itself into our memories forever.


The Descent:

  • Going Downhill: The descent, though less challenging than the ascent, offered its own set of surprises. The daylight revealed the beauty of Skandagiri's flora and fauna, which we had missed during the dark of night.

  • Reflecting on the Adventure: As we made our way back to the base, I couldn't help but reflect on the night's adventure. It was a journey filled with mystery, wonder, and a profound connection to nature.


A Night to Remember


My Skandagiri trek under the moonlight was an adventure like no other. It was a night filled with moonlit magic, stunning vistas, and a sense of accomplishment. It taught me that sometimes, the most extraordinary experiences happen when we venture into the unknown.


Embracing the Dark


Embracing the darkness, guided by the moon's gentle glow, allowed me to see the world in a new light. It reminded me that beauty can be found even in the darkest of moments, and every step of the journey is worth taking.


In the end, trekking Skandagiri was not just an adventure; it was a soul-stirring experience that left an indelible mark on my heart. If you ever seek a unique adventure that takes you from night to day, don't hesitate to answer the call of Skandagiri.


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