Night Trekking at Skandagiri: Under the Moonlit Spell


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Skandagiri, also known as Kalavara Durga, is a breathtaking hill fortress located approximately 70 km from Bangalore, Karnataka, India. This historical site is a favourite among adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers for its serene beauty and thrilling night trekking experiences. In this article, we will explore the magic of the Skandagiri trek under the moonlit sky, delving into the trekking route, the rich history of the place, and the essential tips for an unforgettable night trek.


The Historical Significance Of Skandagiri Trekking 

Skandagiri has a rich history dating back to the 18th century when it served as a stronghold for the rulers of Mysore. The fort played a crucial role during the time of Tipu Sultan and the British Raj. Today, it stands as a testimony to a bygone era, with remnants of the fort walls and a dilapidated temple dedicated to Lord Krishna.


The Skandagiri Night Trek Experience

Skandagiri trek from Bangalore is approximately 62 km. The adventure begins after sunset when the moonlight bathes the landscape in a silvery glow, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. The trek starts from the Papagni Mutt base camp, which is the most popular starting point. It's a moderately challenging trek, suitable for both beginners and experienced trekkers.


As you ascend, you'll be surrounded by a thick forest cover that echoes with the sounds of nocturnal creatures. The trail is illuminated by the moonlight, adding a touch of mystery to the journey. The trek is approximately 8 kilometres round trip, taking around 4-5 hours to complete.


The Highlights of Trekking Skandagiri 

Moonlit Beauty: Night trekking at Skandagiri is an extraordinary experience. The moonlit landscape at Skandagiri is mesmerising. The serene ambiance, the play of light and shadows, and the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside make it a photographer's paradise.


Ruins of the Fort: The trek leads to the ruins of the fort at the summit. Exploring the remnants of the fort walls and the Lord Krishna temple is a historical adventure in itself.


Stargazing: On a clear night, Skandagiri offers excellent stargazing opportunities. The absence of city lights enhances the visibility of stars and constellations. In cities nowadays it's hard to find stars but, Skandagiri in Bangalore is one such place which allows you the experience of stargazing.


Wildlife Encounters: Skandagiri is home to various wildlife species, including snakes. Be cautious while trekking and avoid disturbing the natural habitat. Carry a torch to keep an eye out for any creatures on the trail.


Sunrise Spectacle: Many trekkers choose to stay at the summit overnight to witness the glorious Skandagiri sunrise trek. The first rays of the sun painting the horizon in hues of orange and pink are a sight to behold.


Tips for a Safe Trek

  • Plan Ahead: Check the weather forecast, obtain the necessary permits, and inform someone about your trekking plans. As it's a 1 day trekking trip from Bangalore to Skandagiri it's easy for you to plan this trekking trip.

  • Dress Appropriately: Wear comfortable trekking attire and sturdy shoes. It can get chilly at night, so carry warm clothing.

  • Carry Essentials: Pack enough water to stay hydrated during the trek, as there might not be sources of water along the trail. Apart from this carry snacks, a flashlight, and a first-aid kit.

  • Group Trekking: It's safer to trek in a group. Join a trekking club or hire a local guide if you're not familiar with the terrain. Trekking in a group is recommended for safety. 

  • Leave No Trace: Follow the principle of "Leave No Trace." Preserve the environment by not littering and respecting nature.

  • Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts handy, including local authorities and trekking clubs. Ensure your mobile phone is charged and has network coverage.


Best Time to Trek

The ideal time for night trekking at Skandagiri is from September to February when the weather is cooler, and the skies are generally clear. Avoid trekking during the monsoon season, as the trails can become slippery and unsafe. 


Fitness Level

Night trekking can be physically demanding, so it's advisable to have a reasonable level of fitness. If you have any medical conditions, consult a doctor before embarking on the trek.


Final Words 

Night trekking at Skandagiri is a magical experience that combines history, adventure, and natural beauty. It offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the moonlit hills. So, if you're looking for an unforgettable adventure, set out on a night trek to Skandagiri and be prepared to be spellbound by the mystical charm of this place.

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