Skandagiri Trek: A Nature-Infused Escape Near Bangalore


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Skandagiri Trek: A Nature-Infused Escape Near Bangalore


Skandagiri trek is a soul-stirring experience, weaving through dense forests and meandering trails. As each step brings trekkers closer to the summit, the tranquillity of the surroundings becomes a companion. Whether conquering the hill during the day or embracing the magic of a night trek, Skandagiri promises an unforgettable trekking odyssey.


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Skandagiri Trekking: A Thrilling Adventure Under the Stars


Skandagiri, also known as Kalavara Durga, is situated approximately 70 kilometres from Bangalore. Nestled in the Nandi Hills range, it stands at an elevation of about 1,450 metres above sea level. The Skandagriri trekking is not only an exhilarating physical activity but also a journey through lush landscapes, dense forests, and scenic viewpoints.


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Skandagiri Night Trek: A Unique Experience


While the trek is popular during the day, the Skandagiri night trek holds a special allure. The night trek offers a unique perspective of the landscape and an opportunity to witness a breathtaking sunrise from the hill's peak. The trek begins in the late evening, allowing trekkers to explore the trail under the starlit sky.


The Skandagiri trek Bangalore route takes enthusiasts through a scenic journey, featuring dense forests, picturesque landscapes, and captivating viewpoints. What sets this trek apart is its allure during the night, creating a unique ambiance under the starlit sky. As trekkers ascend, the dimly lit path adds an element of mystique, culminating in a breathtaking sunrise from the hill's peak.


Skandagiri Trek Booking: Plan Your Adventure


To ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience, it is advisable to make a Skandagiri trek booking in advance. Several trek organisers offer packages that include transportation, guides, and sometimes even meals. Booking in advance not only secures your spot but also allows you to focus on the adventure without worrying about logistics.


Here are packages to book for Skandagiri trekking -


  • Trek from Base without Breakfast

Embark on a journey, sans the morning feast,

₹939 per person, the trek is your retreat.

From the base, your adventure begins,

Nature's embrace, as the trek unfurls its scenes.


  • Trek from Base with Breakfast

For those who seek a fuller start,

₹1,089 per person, with breakfast to impart.

From the base, under the morning sun,

The trek unfolds, and a day of joy begins.


  • Travel from Bangalore without Breakfast

Not just a trek, but a journey from the city's core,

₹1,399 per person, with nature to explore.

No breakfast included, but the adventure calls,

From Bangalore to Skandagiri, where serenity installs.


  • Travel from Bangalore with Breakfast

Opt for a fuller experience, let breakfast lead the way,

₹1,549 per person, for a brighter start to your day.

Travel from Bangalore, with the hills in sight,

A trek enriched, as morning turns to light.


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Tips for a Successful Skandagiri Trek


  • Pack Light - Since the trek involves ascending a hill, it's crucial to pack light. Carry only the essentials such as water, snacks, a flashlight, and a jacket.


  • Wear Comfortable Clothing - Choose comfortable clothing suitable for trekking. Keep in mind that temperatures might drop during the night, so dressing in layers is a smart choice.


  • Stay Hydrated Trekking - can be physically demanding, and staying hydrated is essential. Carry an adequate amount of water to keep yourself refreshed throughout the journey.


Nature's Oasis Just a Trek Away


Skandagiri trekking is a rejuvenating experience that offers a perfect blend of adventure and natural beauty. Whether you're an avid trekker or a beginner looking for a refreshing escape, Skandagiri has something to offer. The night trek, in particular, adds a touch of magic to the journey, making it an unforgettable experience for all who venture into the hills near Bangalore. 


So, gather your trekking gear, book your spot, and embark on a nature-infused escape to Skandagiri – where the stars above and the earth beneath create a canvas of pure bliss.


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